The China Guide Rated "Excellent" Since 2012 on Tripadvisor
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 2020-01-15
The China Guide has been rated "excellent" by travelers on Tripadvisor since 2012 when The China Guide initially joined on Tripadvisor. In 2018, we were also inducted in Tripadvisor’s Hall of Fame after winning Tripadvisor’s annual Certificate of Excellence for six years in a row.
It’s our clients and the memorable journeys we strive to create for them that make our job such a fun and rewarding one. We’d especially like to thank those of you who have taken the time to leave us reviews — your feedback means so much to other travelers and helps us to make sure that we’re continually improving our service.
Back in early 2020, when the covid-19 suddenly struck and the Chinese government suddenly announced lockdowns across China, The China Guide team immediately entered emergency mode. For those who were already on their trips in China, we helped them to end their trips early and return to their home countries smoothly, and then refunded their unfulfilled trip parts. For those who hadn't started their trips when the virus struck, we made full refunds to all.
The China Guide has been organizing China trips for international travelers since the year of 2008. We have accumulated rich experiences in helping our clients traveling safely and immersively in China. We look forward to planning more extraordinary journeys and creating lasting memories for our customers for years to come!
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The China Guide ist eine Reiseagentur mit Sitz in Peking, die auf die Wünsche des Kunden abgestimmte Privattouren, Studententouren mit Lerninhalt und reizvolle Touren in ganz China anbietet. Wir haben eine mehr als zehnjährige Erfahrung und bereits Touren für Zehntausende von Reisenden aus den Vereinigten Staaten, Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Kanada, Australien und weiteren Ländern geplant. Wir garantieren für alle unsere Touren Kostentransparenz, keine Verkaufsstopps, keine touristischen Restaurants und eine unvergessliche Erfahrung! Über uns oder Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mit uns Ihre perfekte Reise zu planen.